Laylax are now taking pre-orders for their Battle Style Hi-Capa CQC Holster designed for quicker draws and better retention. Customers outside of Japan will need to contact their retailers in their area if they are interested in this holster.
RedWolf Airsoft announce that the VFC Avalon Calibur CQC DX AEG is available to order at their online store... The "VFC Avalon Calibur CQC DX, the newest kid on the block, comes with full metal body and high quality Avalon engravings. The extendable QRS stock allows you to adjust the length of rifle to fits your body! Metal flash hider can be screwed off for installation of a 14mm clockwise threaded silencer, just like the Marui M4A1."
Raven Airsoft shows you how to disassemble the VFC Avalon Calibur CQC AEG. Coming from the Avalon line of premium AEGs from Vega Force Company (VFC), the Calibur CQC AEG comes with a 6.03 inner barrel, MOSFET electronic trigger, ambidextrous selector switch, and has the QRS magazine that can load 120 BBs. The flash hider can be removed to reveal a 14mm CW thread to mount a suppressor.
We get to learn more about the offerings of the American Airsoft Factory in this video by Booligan Airsoft & Shooting Sports covering the "Wabbe" CQC. First part is an overview of the rifle... "I've got a production ready American Airsoft Factory 'Wabbe' CQC rifle in my hands, so let's start testing it out!"
Mach Sakai goes for the small boys literally, as he checks out the Tokyo Marui Boys SCAR-L CQC AEG. Made for younger airsoft players, especially for ages 18 below, this AEG is 75% of the full scale version AEG. Lighter and definitely cheaper, the rail systems cannot take regular weapons accessories as they are too small. It's good for backyard plinking and for younger people to play with.
In the latest video presentation of AirSplat on Demand (AOD) the WE Tech FN SCAR-H CQC AEG Rifle in Tan gets presented. This has an initial muzzle velocity of 400fps on .20 bbs and a range of 130-140 feet. It comes with high capacity magazine of 300 rounds. It's powerplant is a hyrbid Version 2 metal gearbox given the larger magazine it needs to take. As for build material, the upper is metal whilst the lower is Polymer.
crazyNCman got the small M4 from Elite Force and does some target shooting before going to a full review of this product. He finds it awesome, but how awesome is awesome? Watch the full video review... "Brand new from Elite Force the M4 CQC is an awesome platform for a CQB airsoft gun. Please check them out at or your local retailer."
A video of the Elite Force Gus M4 CQC was just recently uploaded, but the video just looks to messy to really get the information that you want from the video that we'd rather recommend that you click the link here to get better information. As they always say, follow the KISS principle... "The Elite Force CQC is the shortest of all our competition series M4 aegs. Perfect for indoor use with a velocity of 325 FPS w/.20.
For those looking for other retailers for the CQC version of the TM SCAR-L, the dark earth and black colours are now in stock at eHobby Asia where they are being retailed for US$625.00... "Tokyo Marui SCAR-L CQC Recoil Shock AEG is an airsoft replica of SCAR Light Standard (U.S. SOCOM MK16 MOD 0) - CQC Close Quarters Combat Version.
Those who have been waiting for the CQC version of the Tokyo Marui SCAR-L with the shoot and recoil engine can check it out at Echigoya Guns where it's available for US$498.00. You get to order Tokyo Marui products from them directly, so you might have a better deal with them than anywhere else. The price does not yet include shipping.