
Pantac Hydration Backpack for RRV Vest


Not really a new Pantac design, as this hydration backpack has been released in 2008. The only thing new here is that Pantac has released a Ranger Green version. Previous colours were multicam, olive drab, and khaki. You can get this at RedWolf Airsoft for US$86.00.... "Designed to compliment the RRV vest by PANTAC but also perfectly good as a stand-alone unit, this combined hydration pack a mini backpack is worn via shoulder straps (not MOLLE) so there is no need for MOLLE strap rigged vests to wear it.

When worn with an RRV vest, the clips can be undone and carry straps removed for this pack to be clipped directly onto an RRV vest.

Made of CODURA, this product promises the same high quality as the rest of PANTACs range of highly robust products. This backpack includes the bladder and straw assembly ready installed as this is its main purpose but the rear most portion also includes a zip-access compact volume (approximately 40 x 8 x 6 cm), about right to carry that spare bag of BBs, a gas can and some spare mags and tools. Not quite enough to carry full weapons but certainly enough to accommodate those miscellaneous bits and pieces and maybe a back up pistol."

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