TMC Jay Fast Mask At eHobby Asia


For those looking for the TMC Jay Fast Mask, it is now in stock at eHobby Asia and you can find three colours to choose from. Made from polymer, this provide half face protection so you will need your eye protection. According to TMC, this can withstand a hit from a high power airsoft rifle and you can breathe easy with the space between face and mask.

TMC JAY FAST Mask At RedWolf Airsoft


At RedWolf Airsoft is the Khaki version of the TMC JAY Fast Airsoft Mask... "The TMC JAY FAST Mask is a stylish and affordable option for facial protection against BBs. Not only it looks awesome but it can be applied onto your helmet to make it even more tacticool! Easy to install and use without any tools required. The rubber strap is included so you can strap this to your face without the need for a helmet.

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