
Mak Hobby: The Most Powerful Airsoft Gun


Find out why Mak Hobby finds the APS APM50 as the most powerful airsoft gun. Also interesting to note is the shell catcher he installed on the rifle... "Which is the most powerful airsoft gun? Yes, a sniper rifle, but WHICH ONE? None of the spring guns can give you a power that can match this APS APM50 Co2 Sniper Rifle! This is not only powerful, but also shell-ejecting, with shells that you can choose from - low, med, or high power types! For educational purpose, we are testing the highest power shells in this video for the audience you see the power of the shells, using 6mm steel ball bearings that weigh 0.90g each!

I do NOT suggest anyone to do a human target test with your friends using the shells and ammo I am using in this video. The power and type of ammo is 100% enough to punch into your friend's skin even with a T-shirt on, and it will require surgery removal! Play airsoft safely with proper protections and follow the regulations of your field!"

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