
The U.S. Army's Authorized Protective Eyewear List (APEL) Is Now Out


Each and every airsoft player knows that the most important protective gear for any player is eye protection that we sometimes tell our team mates that they can go naked in the field and play airsoft as long as they have adequate eye protection.

EE's 4GEE Action Cam Lets You Livestream The Airsoft Action Over 4G

Gungho Cowboy

It looks like every person in the world can now to livestream whatever they are doing right now, thanks (or no thanks?) to third party apps for smartphones such as Meerkat or Periscope.

U.S. Army OCP Combat Uniforms Will Become Available On The 1st Of July


Time to update our knowledge of U.S. Army combat uniforms as the Operational Camouflage Pattern Army Combat Uniforms will become available on the 1st of July 2015.

The Lil Trucker: The Multitool That Helps You Survive The Zombie Apocalypse


Not exactly something that can be used for actual airsoft and milsim events, but for many airsofters who are also survivalists and have bug-out bags ready to go in their cars or in their closets, this tool will be something that they will love to have in their kit list.

One Grunt's Opinion On Milsim Events Organizers: Evolve Or Go Extinct?


With the rise of more realistic and immersive milsim events being offered today, is it inevitable that old school milsim producers will go extinct unless they evolve? The answer is not a simple answer, depending on whom one speaks with and their opinion on today’s airsoft/milsim community.

Russian Army Starts Receiving First Batch Of The Ratnik Combat System

Gungho Cowboy

Over the years, we have been obsessed learning about the future soldier program by the United States and other Western Armies, especially NATO members. Rarely do we hear about similar programs from non-U.S. or non-NATO countries.

U.S. Congress Wants Military To Produce Boots Especially Made For Women


Almost a month ago, the Washington Times posted news about the U.S. Congress pressing the Military to have combat boots designed specifically for women.

GoPro's Hero+ LCD Is A Cheaper Action Camera With Touchscreen

Gungho Cowboy

GoPro is expanding its product offerings with announcements last week confirming that the company is  working on a camera drone and 360-degree virtual camera rigs.

Batman Would Approve The Ripsaw EV2 Extreme Luxury Super Tank


We love big bad vehicles, especially tanks. If they would only just cost like a second hand Honda Civic, then we would be parking these at the nearest strip mall or everyone with a valid driver's license would be bringing these to every airsoft game.

Friendly Fire Rocket For Airsoft & Milsim Games On Kickstarter


It's always good to see airsofters who tinker in their bedrooms, garages or workshops to come up with nice ideas to elevate our airsoft game experience. Well, many world-changing innovations in the world happened in the garage, just ask Apple, Hewlett Packard, Google, and many more.

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