APS-X Hi-Capa Hop-Up Overview Parts 2 & 3


Continuing on the APS-X Hi-Capa Hop-Up System for the WE/Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa Gas Blowback Pistol, KnucklesGSM goes for heavier BBs to find out if they can go further than usual... "Need a longer range place like my home field and accuracy test on a man size target to finish my final thoughts on this...but damn for what it is, it works pretty well in pushing heavy BBs."

APS-X Hi-Capa Hop-Up Overview Part 1


A Hop-Up System that will be in stock very soon in Hong Kong gets scrutinied by Knuckles GSM. The APS-X WE/Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa System looks like it's going to be in demand by users of these gas blowback pistols... "Got this from Impact Force CQB, thanks to them and UAC Alvan for sending this to me, sorry it took so long to do a video on it, got caught up with life.

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