Robo Gear Review: Angry Canadian Loadout


Robo-Airsoft goes a loadout episode featuring a fellow Canadian, Jesson Bateman, a.k.a. Angry.Canadian who shows his loadout for Faded Giant 5... "In this edition of Robo-Reviews, I feature one of my awesome friends in the milsim/firearms/medical community: Jesson Bateman, better known as @angry.canadian on IG – a member of the National TacMed Competition champion team of 2016, @weaponized_medicine.

OP Faded Giant 2 "Freelance Squad" Video


Another video footage from Airsoft Obsessed as the report more on the OP Faded Giant event that was held in South Carolina earlier this month and organised by American Milsim. This video shows the "Freelance Squad" comprised of some well known faces and names in American airsoft: et Desert Fox, Elite Force Andy, Airsoft Obsessed Dave, Spartan117GW, and Darkhorse of One Grunt's Opinion.

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