PolarStar PAKS-74UN Rifle Review


The Airsoft Obsessed Crew had a review posted at the Airsoft Insider Magazine Blog. Written by Tom Harris with photos by Walter Sidas and Dave Baks, this review is about the PolarStar PAKS-74UN Rifle... "The PolarStar PAKS-74UN is one sexy Russian lady. Personally, I’d place her right up in the ranks with Xenia Onatopp, Famke Janssen’s character from the movie Goldeneye: super-classy, super-sexy and super-deadly. The definitive femme fatale.

The Tominator In #Slaydies Night Ep: 7


It's episode 7 of #Slaydies Night hosted by Adella Relentless and Unicorn Leah and it's the Tominator as the Slaydies' man for the night. Tom just moved up north to Oregon recently and still getting settled but that didn't stop him from finding time to be the guest... "Adella Relentless and the Airsoft Unicorn return for another episode of Slaydies Night In Featuring Guest Star Tom Harris From Airsoft Obsessed!

Latest Updates from Airsoft-Obsessed


Tom Harris of Airsoft Obessed sent us an update on what's happening to the AO crew, which included Dave Bak. They just recently uploaded a video of Tom's Custom Elite Force HK417 AEG which also comes with a tactical panda bear. Other activities they did includes Dave visiting CQB City, a review of the 5.11 Tactical Rush Delivery Messsenger Bag and the latest list of ways of following Airsoft Obsessed.

"Our latest Airsoft action video, featuring my custom Elite Force HK417 AEG and a tactical panda bear (not kidding)

Airsoft Obsessed with Ares KAC Chainsaw


Here's another video that many of us are waiting for to be released and it's courtesy of Airsoft Obsessed... "Tom Harris talks with Wallace Lau about the new ARES Knights Arm Co Chainsaw airsoft machine gun. It is essentially an Ares Knights Arm Co LMG with a body kit on it that allows the operator to hold it like a chainsaw. This model will also come with an M203 grenade launcher just for good measure. Chainsaw is such a clever name for this, if you think about it."

Exciting News at the HK Toy Show 2013


The Tominator was monitoring the PTS Facebook Page and he picked up some gems that you should know about as new and exciting products have been revealed during the Hong Kong Toy and Games Fair 2013... "If you haven't been paying attention to the PTS Facebook Page, then I'm glad, because today's post will come as very new and exciting news.  If you have, then my guess is that you'll probably skip over this post and that makes me a sad little panda.

PolarStar Airsoft Project Unboxing


This is an interesting video made by Johnny of Airsoft St. Louis as he unboxes the PolarStar Airsoft kit sent to him by The Tominator. He explains the Fusion Engine Gearbox, but you just need to bear the plugs for the various sources for the project build, but you have to follow how he is going to build his custom airsoft gun which will follow in a next video.

Guide: Install ARC Rail Adapters for COMTACs


A new how-to guide written by the Tominator on how to install ARC Rail Adapters for your COMTACS for those who are using the headset and buggered by your combat helmet. A highly suggested reading for those who wear helmets and wanting to use these headset for use in airsoft games and achieving a tacticool look after going through the instructions.

Read the full guide at the Pyramyd Airsoft Blog.

Tominator Interviews The Muffin Man


The Tominator interview his brother, Tod Harris, with the callsign "The Muffin Man" discussing when he started playing airsoft, his first airsoft guns, preferred role when playing with an airsoft team (he prefers support). He has a sizeable collection of airsoft gun , having 8 AEGs and 12 pistols and prefers KWA and TM pistols. They also discuss the airsoft guns they have appearing in this video.

Team Rainbow+ Infidel vs Team Tomination


The Tominator goes into battle with his Tomination Team in the first two videos of four games... "Team Rainbow & Team Infidel were paired up against Team Threat & Tominator's Team Tomination on the new Supply Depot field at SC Village in Chino, CA. Tominator's weapon of choice was the illustrious Echo1 M240 Bravo machine gune, while Trent F. Warren went the more subtle route with the KWA CQR Mod2 AEG. This video contains footage of a four-part match."

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