Thumpy's Fulda Gap 2013 Video Now Online


Finally, we get the video report from the guy who can give us the best report of what happened during the Fulda Gap 2013, Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft... "Nearly 11-Hundred players faced off across the Iron Curtain once again, as America's Biggest Multi-Day Airsoft Event returned to Command Decisions Wargames Center in Western North Carolina, October 10-12. 2013."

Thumpy: Exclusive "Crossover" Product Peek


Today, be prepared to be intrigued by Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft as a quick peek on a product(s) that are making their crossover from real steel to airsoft is posted online. As to the name of the companies that will be making their products available, we already have an idea, but we'll let the guessing game continue to make it even more fun or until Thumpy reveals the names...

Glock Goes After A YouTube Channel


Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft sent in this video link about a YouTube Channel that received a cease order from Glock's lawyers due to Trademark Infringement. How about for other YouTube channels which discuss about Glock airsoft replicas? Read more and watch the video below...

Thumpy Tests High Noon Targets


Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft got busy last week to check the High Noon Targets and here's a video... "THUMPY and the boys put HIGH NOON TARGETS to the test in this shoot-and-talk feature. An innovative system to allow indoor or outdoor training, will these bullet traps really keep your walls and your wallet intact?"

Happy Birthday To Our Dear Thumpy!


We have greeted him via Facebook but we'll make this very public now as there is this Facebook setting reminding us to send him a gift, though we beg to differ. So for all of you who don't know it yet, today's the birthday of one of the pillars of pushing airsoft information beyond boundaries, Thumpy of Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft has turned xx (for you to find out, just peek at his info on Facebook).

Rangemaster Larry & Thumpy Sparky Ride


When Airsoft Medicine's Rangemaster Larry gets a time off to visit family, he also makes it a point to visit airsoft friends. I've met the wonderful gentleman in London last year and now he visits Thumpy... "Get the back-story on the 'secret mission' that brought Airsoft Medicine's RANGEMASTER LARRY to visit THUMPY at the 3-D House of Airsoft....and how SPARKY THE WONDERJEEP made it a special MOTHER'S DAY for the special Moms who support our AIRSOFT habit!

Thumpy Goes To Big Boys Toys Airsoft


Thumpy's now way much better to take a road trip now and visits the Big Boys... "THUMPY took a road trip to The Triad, to visit Jack 'Kamikaze' Richmond and gang at the new, bigger, BADDER BIG BOY TOYS AIRSOFT Store in Greensboro, NC. They were having a 'graveyard sale' of bins and bins of used guns and parts but it also gave us a chance to let Jack show off the fantastic set up, selection and new parts and service area.

Thumpy's On A Mission To Marine South Expo


Photo above shows Thumpy at the Marine South Expo last year and he's going back for this year to give us his report so stay tuned at Thunpy's 3-D House of Airsoft... "'s that time again this year! THUMPY will be OTW downrange to Camp Lejeune today for an inside-the-wire look at what the USMC and USN guys are seeing at the MARINE SOUTH EXPO!

Thumpy: Tim vs Bob 4 @ Ballahack Wrap-Up


A bunch of videos from Thumpy taken at the Tim vs Bob 4 last week are now available for your viewing pleasure... "We're wrapping up the THUMPY VIDEOS from Ballahack Airsoft at the Airsoft G.I. Event last weekend!  And what a great time it was!  You'll hear some behind the scenes SCOOP from Andy Green of Elite Force Guns and BB's, Bo "Bigsilva" Steward from American MilSim, Thumpy's neighbors and fellow 'Softers at G-CODE HOLSTERS, plus shouts from BOB and TIM, and a little in-game strategy with Christopher & Aaron from BALLAHACK.

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