Best Shooting Positions Behind A Vehicle


Maybe physics works differently on bullets and airsoft BBs, but it's also one thing to understand the other when shooting behind a vehicle. Tactical Rifleman shows the best shooting positions in doing so... "In this video Rob, from T1G, takes us through a demonstration of how bullets skip off of cars at different angles.

I'm talking especially about the hood and trunk, but it applies to all surfaces of sheet metal.

Combat Shooting Behind Cover Or Barricade


The Tactical Rifleman got a video showing how to do combat shooting behind cover or barricade... "In this video Raj takes us through shooting in some unconventional shooting positions. If you shoot 3-gun competitions, you’ve seen more and more of the matches including at least one or two stages requiring you to shoot with your weapon at odd angles from odd shooting positions. Why are they do that? Just to make the match harder or to mess with the shooters?

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