
Stirling Airsoft Operation Kruger Caerwent


Video by Stephen Reynolds of the recent Stirling Airsoft event called Operation Kruger, that took place last 25-26 February 2017 at the Caerwent FIBUA... "As radical Azearian influence and enforced law continues to spread across the towns and cities of Northern Chad, extremist militia groups focus on acquiring landmarks and assets to further reinforce their choke-hold on the country.

Faya, one of the largest cities in the north of the country holds a vast water reserve that is not only vital to local agriculture but is also the only water supply for many satellite towns and villages.

With the situation in Aouzou spiralling out of control, N’Djamena is desperate to regain control of Faya and its resources. But as of mid-January large numbers of Azearian state fighters entered the city and there are now reports of hundreds, if not thousands, of displaced civilians fleeing the city, with many unaccounted for.
Media reports claim fighting age males are being dragged from their homes in the middle of the night and being loaded up onto transport trucks, while the Red Cross has declared a humanitarian crisis in the region.

The fight to retake this vital city will not be easy as government forces will need to secure several major towns along the route of approach. This raises concerns that Azearian State forces will either scatter and regroup for a second insurgency, resulting in mass casualties, or begin executing civilians until the military back down, neither of which is considered an acceptable outcome."

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