
OPSGEAR Defensive Tactics DVD Series


OPSGEAR release their Defensive Tactics DVD Series as based on the success of their Free Tactical Tips Website. These DVD series discuss the principle of defensive tactics which also includes how women can defend themselves and handgun defense. These DVD series was developed by David Burnell, a militrary veteran, instructor, Taekwondo champion and the CEO of OPSGEAR. Press release below:


- Unique, Simple, Effective Self Defense System for ALL Ages, Male & Female!

Why Did OPSGEAR® Produce This Important DVD Series?

In June of 2010, OPSGEAR® launched Free Tactical Tips Each day around the globe guns, knives and fists are used to rob, rape and kill. Often times those senseless acts of violence could be prevented with some training. We knew that we could make a difference by teaching others. Since starting we've produced over 100 self defense videos. We've received dozens of emails from viewers telling us how one of the tips literally saved their life or helped them escape a potentially lethal confrontation. Military and law enforcement agencies have written telling us they gather around the computer and practice the techniques. We have a large following that has been begging for us to put the training on DVD and we listened! We only teach defensive tactics, never offensive. All the tips are taught to break contact and survive another day. The website is dedicated in memory of Mandy Lund, a 19 year old college student who was sexually assaulted and murdered.

Defensive Tactics Volume 1: Principles - The first installment in our Defensive Tactics series

Decades in the making, these DVDs are based on the best practices from military special operations, competitive martial arts and street fighting. This new Defensive Tactics Series presented by OPSGEAR® simplifies self defense in a way that has not been available in the past. These DVDs demystify the confusion and complexity of defending yourself. All ages, sizes, both male and female will benefit from this easy to apply and life saving system. The ONLY things that work effectively under the pressure of an assault are the timeless principles of defense that are based on what you will do instinctively. To defend yourself and get away from an attacker you must leverage what your body is producing during the "fear" response. This Defensive Tactics system aligns itself with your natural responses to stress and fear. If you can walk or raise your arm above your head, then you can apply these simple techniques. Defending yourself should NOT be a mystery, it should be an immediate response to the relevant threat, measured and designed to help you escape.

Defensive Tactics Volume 2: Techniques - The second installment in our Defensive Tactics series

This companion to Volume 1 - Principles is the perfect solution for anyone wanting to learn simple, fast and proven defensive techniques. You will see in high definition quality, over 30 defensive techniques and escapes that will increase your survivability in a lethal confrontation. Learn from military, rescue and body guard veteran David Burnell the system that fits all ages and body types, both male and female.

Who is David Burnell & What's his Background? (available as a subject matter expert if needed)

David Burnell is a military veteran and instructor. He is also a national Tae Kwon Do champion in forms and full contact. His students include the U.S. Military, Police, Federal Agencies and Civilians. His unarmed fighting style and methods are crystalized into a system that is principle based and simple. His extensive operational experience includes Chief Body Guard in post-earthquake Haiti, recovery work in Japan and Alabama, as well as special operations work all over the world. David is a student of life and constantly seeking new methods and techniques to mitigate risk and survive lethal confrontations. David is a phenomenal instructor and has trained thousands of military, law enforcement, civilians and youth groups over the years. Additionally, he is the Founder and CEO of OPSGEAR® and the Urban Warfare Center You may see a more in-depth bio by visiting

Additional Training, Self Defense and Educational DVD's Include:

1 in 5 women will be assaulted according to statistics. When all is said and done would you call yourself a survivor? OPSGEAR® wants you to confidently answer YES. This seminar, presented by military combative instructors, special operations veterans, and attack survivors, uses vivid first hand accounts to explain how the brain functions in dangerous situation, the various levels of mental awareness and the facets of a survival mindset. Watch as these highly trained professionals demonstrate basic and simple techniques for avoiding peril, breaking contact and staying alive. We offer FREE Seminars and DVD's to Women's groups. Call Brandy Vega at 801-936-2322 ext. 105 or email [email protected] for additional info.

Defensive Handgun Training DVD

Learn the secrets of handgun manipulation from the founder and senior instructor of the ELITE Urban Warfare Center® in a one-on-one style of teaching.  Learn methods, techniques and styles of shooting that will, along with practice, take the novice and veteran alike to the NEXT LEVEL.  The BEST PRACTICES approach on this DVD will defuse your apprehension, and increase your confidence as you see each technique taught clearly and safely.  The principles of successful shooting are reinforced continually throughout this DVD.  Increase your SPEED and ACCURACY  by following the time tested and combat proven methods and techniques shown on this DVD. Learn: General safety, drawing from holster, safe holstering, handgun gripping, sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control, shot placement, emergency reloads, malfunction drills, Weaver stance, Isosceles stance, Israeli stance and more!

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