
Halo Airsoft Rocket Launcher


Halo Airsoft Rocket Launcher

Spartan Jess - The Halo Airsofting Spartan was able to showcas the Halo Airsoft Rocket Launcher during an event at Ballahack Airsoft last month... "On September 17th 2022, the Halo Airsoft Community and I attended the Ballahack 15th anniversary event. Multiple members from the community participated with our tents set-up to display and showcase the Halo side of the sport.

One of our members, Airsoft R&D, brought his Halo Airsoft collection that he created entirely himself! He also has them available to purchase on the Airsoft R&D website. As one of our priorities for the event, my job was to interview and review Mr. R&D about each and every individual Halo Airsoft replica that he brought that day.

The very first presentation that we'll be witnessing is the Halo Airsoft Rocket Launcher! With a fully functioning rotating barrel system that's compatible with airsoft 40mm grenades or taggin rounds!

If you're interested in checking out this Rocket Launcher build and/or extra barrels for ammunition, here's the two links from the Airsoft R&D website.

I'd like to thank the collaborative effort from the Halo Airsoft Community for helping me gather footage and capturing photos from the event!"

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