
DE M56A Benelli Styled M3/M4 'Super 90' Clone Pre-Order


Place your orders as this one's arriving at Airsoft World/Airsoft Scotland in 30 June 2008... "Excuse the not-too-brilliant photo but it was taken while we visited the factory in China!Fantastic copies of the world famous TM shotguns which utilise a dummy shotgun cartridge with a capacity of 30 BB's. The ingenious part is that the main outer barrel contains three inner barrels and every time you cock and fire the shotgun, three rounds are fired at 300FPS. You therefore have ten 'killer' shots per cartridge.


Due to these being air freighted in next week, we cannot offer the Pre-order discount BUT we will give you a free pack of spare cartridges with every pre-order, which is worth more than the discount anyway!

These have been custom built at the factory to Airsoft World's improved specifications and are not the same as the standard production models which will be available elsewhere. We also offer a full 12 month guarantee with them.


...and before we get the email avalanche, the orange tip in the photo will not be on ours and the 2-Tone versions of all the M56 models will be here in a few weeks....."

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