
Airsoft Claymore Mine Setup


Fulcrum Airsoft Claymore Mine Setup

Fulcrum shows how carries his airsoft claymore mine to the field... "IMPORTANT INFO I FORGOT ABOUT: Do NOT store your Claymore cocked, this will ruin the springs in the same way an airsoft gun can lose power if left cocked in storage. Having it folded up for the day won't hurt, just make sure to fire it before you pack it up for the day.

Had a few questions asked about my #airsoft Claymore mine bag in Youtube comments and at my local site. So I thought I'd share with you lot how I carry my airsoft Claymore land mine on my person during airsoft events. Hopefully if any of you end up getting an airsoft #claymore you can take a leaf out of my book when it comes to transporting it around.

The bag is a Claymore satchel which can be found on eBay in a variety of styles. The pouches inside are large enough for my Claymore airsoft trip mine and all of the ancillaries for it. The satchel allows me to deploy the airsoft mine much faster than using a dump pouch or two to hold the device. It also makes packing up much easier and looks a lot smarter and tacticool (God, I hate that bloody phrase) than having all of the stuff packed into dump pouches.

Inside the bag is my camera gear, ammunition, tripwire, MFED and of course the Claymore mine itself. The clacker is usually stored in a pouch on my tac-vest or belt for easy access. The bag is simply slung over my shoulder and can be dropped quickly should I need to abandon the mine (i.e. leaving the mine at a deployment during a game where it cannot be used effectively). Further Claymore videos can be found dotted around my channel and I'm considering a guide on how to use airsoft land mines effectively (I think I've had enough use of the Claymore to say what does and doesn't work)."

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