
Gun Porn: KWA Makarov, Tokarev, 1911A1 US Army

Gungho Cowboy

The Greatwatermelon is becoming a regular contributor to Popular Airsoft as he gives us updates on the latest airsoft stuff that he finds. We always appreciate our readers to do give us tips and updates on what we fail to find, since, well, we're just human and we cannot possibly unearth everything about airsoft. Our loyal readers make up for the slack and they're always valuable to us, since without them, Optimus Prime could have closed the curtains on this website.

This time, the Greatwatermelon sends to us photos of KWA pistols that any collector of classic looking guns would want to have in their collections. These are all available at the KWA Central, a fan website of all things KWA and not connected to the KWA company. The pistols, two Soviet/Russian (Makarov and Tokarev) and one American (1911) are all detailed to replicate the external features of their inspirations. As the Greatwatermelon states:

Here are some close up pictures of the KWA Makarov (MKV), Tokarev (TT-33), and 1911 US ARMY! I would like to highlight that the KWA Makarov disassembles just like the real deal. The KWA Tokarev (2nd prototype) has a new finish that is closer to the real one. Lastly, the KWA 1911 US ARMY will have realistic trademarks. Enjoy!

Photos below and you can click on the links to know more about the specifications and features at the KWA Central Blog Site.

Close Up with the KWA MKV (Makarov)!

Close Up with the KWA TT-33 (Tokarev)!

Close Up with the KWA 1911A1 US ARMY!

Thanks to the Greatwatermelon for the photos and links.

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