
Bring Your Airsoft Shotguns To This Post-Apocalyptic Party!

Gungho Cowboy

You bought an airsoft shotgun. It's cool, looks nice, great to handle, but it can't go head to head against other airsoft guns in any airsoft skirmish game. You experience a buyer's remorse, wasting money on something that would be better on the display stand. But then, you know how to party and want to be in one of the most awesome parties on the planet. There's one that's right for you and your airsoft shotgun:

It's a post-apocalyptic party called Wasteland Weekend.

If you dig Mad Max get-ups, and you have an airsoft shotgun, prepare to join in next year's Wasteland Weekend. The 2nd Wasteland Weekend was held last 23-25 September so this means that you will have to wait for next year which the organisers have not announced the dates yet. Wasteland Weekend takes off from Roadwar USA which is more a highway cruise whilst this one was conceptualised as a Mad Max event set in the desert, with the Southern California desert as the choice location. Here's a video of the 2010 event:

Being a three-day event, Wasteland Weekend features live bands, Thunderdome combat, and stunt performances. There are more acts and line of post-apocalyptic vehicles mainly getting their inspiration from the Mad Max movie series, and lots of weapons, including shotguns.

For the Wasteland Weekend, post-apocalyptic costumes are required and their website have tips on what to wear on Wasteland Weekend. You can wear almost anything you want as long as it conforms to the post-apocalyptic look that was set in stone by Mad Max. You can use airsoft masks and wear the most bad-ass hairstyles in various colours. Make sure you wear leather and whatever goggles you can lay your hands on. It won't be your usual fashion show and there is also a guideline on what not to wear.

Don't arrive clean, look dirty. In a post-apocalyptic scenario, people will pretend to have been spending years scavenging the desert looking for items in order to survive. So start dirtying all those nice and shiny leather outfits that you have or roll in the desert until you're covered in dust before going to the party. What the organisers had forgot to state is if you have to come foul-smelling. You can play it by ear (or by nose if need be).

You can bring replica weapons and if you are an airsoft player, airsoft shotguns, revolvers and some rifles would be welcome additions, perhaps even a minigun mounted on your own post-apocalyptic vehicle. If not sure what airsoft replicas to bring, you can always consult the Mad Max weapons info at IMFDB. The best is to bring the S&W 79 sawed off shotgun. If you want a sidearm, then the airsoft Mauser C96 is always handy. Unfortunately, you won't be allowed to shoot them, they're just meant as props for your getup.

For some rough and tumble games be prepared to battle it out in Jugger, a post-apocalyptic bloodsport. Just imagine you're Mel Gibson and have that swagger as you join the game to  duke it out.

The best way to participate in Wasteland Weekend is to join a tribe. You can select an existing tribe at the website and learn their identification and what they wear as a tribe. I think you can also form your own tribe to create what you really want to look like for the next Wasteland Weekend.

They have a Barter Town where there will be vendors who will be selling that stuff you need for a post-apocalyptic look. Though called Barter Town, it still best to use cash as the vendors won't barter and prefer cold hard cash.

If you like how these guys party like I do, then better watch out for their announcements at their website. It's still a year away for the next Wasteland Weekend, but if you're an airsoft player with the Mad Max streak, and an airsoft shotgun waiting to be brandished, then this party is the one that you should be looking forward to.

(Photo Credit: Wasteland Weekend)

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