
The U.S. Airsoft Community Just Dodged A Bullet (Or BB) In CPSC-2023-0021

Gungho Cowboy

Airsofter with U.S. Flag

For those who have been following developments on the Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) proposed Direct Final Rule in Docket No. CPSC-2023-0021, worried that airsoft would be in danger in the U.S.A. if happens quickly, they can all heave a sigh of relief.

Whilst we do not have much details on how things transpired after comments declaring their opposition to the regulation, Evike.com released an update that the airsoft industry will working with the CPSC to ensure that airsoft and the livelihoods that will be affected by the regulation if it happens.

This means that for the meantime, all is well for everyone in airsoft and things can just proceed normally. Here is Matt giving a brief update in this Evike.com video:

As to how things will proceed from here, it remains to be seen. The question is if there will be an agency that will be setup or assigned to review and issue certification to airsoft guns and other blasters affected by the proposed regulation or not. In case there will be one, when will it take effect and that companies are allowed adequate time to prepare the documents needed for certification. Furthermore, if such regulation will take place will it cover the products already in the hands of customers or just those about to enter the U.S. market?

Thus, the U.S. airsoft community should not keep its guard down and be prepared to help in ensuring that airsoft guns will be legal to own and that airsoft businesses get to keep doing business. This proposed regulation will not just be only issue as there might be some proposed laws, whether at the federal or state level that will affect the hobby in the future. Always remember that states also have the power to ban airsoft with their own laws.


Note: Top image is A.I. generated

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