Dirty Civilian: Medical Every Civilian Should Know


This also means, which every airsofter should know, so this is a video by the Dirty Civilian that our readers might want to watch as it is applicable in and out of the airsoft field... "Kitting out your Med Bag is trendy. But what medical tools does the average citizen need and what procedures should they actually know? We cut through the fluff with Paul "Doc" Pollack of Baer Solutions and get back to the basics of medical and trauma procedures every civilian and family should prioritize:

J-Tech Medical Backpacks In Stock


The medical backpacks from J-Tech Gear are now back in stock... "Jtech created two distinct models of Medical backpacks that serve the same purpose, to save lives. Both are internally compartmentalized for excellent organization and medical supply security. Unique features: MMBP-I is designed with Molle for tactical readiness and equipment support while MMBP-II is equiped with an extendable draw-string pouch for maximun storage space.

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