Acetech Volcano Launcher With Tracer Unit


Airsofter Zhang Liyan gives us an overview of the Acetech Volcano Launcher With Tracer Unit that you can attach to the underrail of airsoft rifles... "The world's first grenade gun with muzzle flash & illuminator functions is finally here. The design of this gun is stronger than its luminous function. Every detail shows that it was born for combat, whether it is mounted on the On the rifle, it can still be used as a pistol, and can be assembled into a main weapon.

UFC, Acetech & Xcortech Chronos Compared


Rummbolt tests chronos from UFC, Acetech and Xcortech if their readings will be same... "Right before the gameday, you measured the energy of your replica with your chrono at home, and it seemed to be no problem to match the rules of the field you want to play on. But then, at the chrono place, the marshalls tell you your replica delivers too much energy and you´re not allowed to play with it. How´s that possible?

Acetech Agent Tracer Unit For The FMG9


Pheas Airsoft gets to unbox the Acetech Agent Tracer Unit purposely made for the FMG9 folding airsoft gun... "In this video, I got to be a bit creative (and Silly) with the awesome ‪@acetechofficial‬ AGENT tracer specifically for the Airsoft FMG 9.

This thing has muzzle flash and tracer function (green AND red tracer rounds) and you can have just one function or both on at the same time!

Jaeger Precision: Acetech Acehive & Acetech Spawner


Jaeger Precision checks out the Acetech Acehive and Acetech Spawner 40mm gas grenade and reloading system package. The Acehive & Spawner are innovations in the development of airsoft 40mm grenades with its lightning-fast reloading system. The Spawner speedloader fills the Acehive in seconds with a simple twist, and combined with the Portable Gas Container, you can reload on the field in under a minute.

Heavy Recoil Club: AceTech Agent FMG-9 GBB Tracer Unit


Heavy Recoil Club gets to test the AceTech Agent FMG-9 GBB Tracer Unit which was just released recently... "The @acetechtw Agent is a tracer unit which is designed to be used with the FMG-9  This tracer does add even more realism and adds to the fun factor as well. It is easy to install, easy to use and available for a relatively reasonable price."

AceTech Brighter C Detailed Review By Turgay Dansik


Airsoft Pro's Turgay Dansik checks every detail of the AceTech Brighter C tracer unit and shares what he thinks about it in this video review. He delves into the product's features, benefits, and performance, offering viewers a detailed understanding of its capabilities. The video covers unboxing, technical specifications, usage instructions, and highlights the tracer's compact size, fast-charging battery, and exceptional visibility.

AceTech AceHIVE Vs Airsofters


AirsoftNEXT is getting good fun with the AceTech AceHIVE 40mm gas shell BB shower which usually pairs with the Spawner quick reload tool... "The newest product on the market! AceHive grenades and 'Spawner' loader from acetech! Super fast loading of BB's after each shot and even with 2 pieces you can still be super active in the game!"

Acetech Blaster AK Tracer Demo


Acetech put out video demonstrating a light show with the Blaster AK Tracer by Jeff The Kid. This device, compatible with airsoft AKs, uses bright LEDs to simulate a muzzle flash and illuminate tracer BBs, all while being weatherproof, shake-activated for easy use, and delivering impressive brightness.

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