
Short Barrel AAP-01 Build With Integral Tracer


Wyhaq Short Barrel AAP-01 Build With Integral Tracer

Wyhaq shows his custom built Short barrel AAP-01 Gas Blowback Pistol with an integrated tracer unit... "This is my most recent build and is featured in one of my gameplay videos. The intend behind this aap-01 green gas blowback airsoft toy replica is to have a very small pistol that can get the job done. I have many upgrades and modifications that have been installed and I show you what they are in this video. Some of the main ones are ctm ghost ring sights, acetech brighter c tracer unit, cowcow steel hammer parts, guarder springs, maple leaf bucking and cnc hopup chamber. I have no shortstrokes in this build, and this build is geared towards realism and tactical tacticool. All black, custom short barrel aap01 from action army and really is the assassin pistol and a hicapa killer."

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